A doctor puts his hand on the patient's hand and writes something down


Fire protection in healthcare: Saving lives and protecting values

In hospitals and nursing homes, every second counts when it comes to evacuating patients, residents, visitors and staff to safety and taking timely action in the event of a fire. But it is also about ensuring medical supplies for the population.

A fire in a healthcare facility can have a devastating impact. The earlier it is detected, the better. WAGNER­ aspirating smoke detectors are based on the principle of earliest possible fire detection, providing the critical time advantage to save lives and protect assets.

Display in the operating room


Multiple hazards

There are many hazards that can cause fires in healthcare environments. They range from faulty electrical equipment – whether in staff rooms, patient rooms or operating rooms – to flammable substances and materials, to human error or arson. Risk analysis is essential to developing the right solution.


Saving lives and protecting workflows

  • Protecting people and the environment
  • Protection of goods, property, investments and fixed assets
  • Protect business processes and ensure smooth operations
  • Protection from consequential and reputational damage


Detecting fires as early as possible

Comprehensive fire protection solutions based on the earliest possible fire detection ensure that lives are saved in time and valuable assets are fully protected. Our TITANUS®­ aspirating smoke detectors are installed for the earliest possible fire detection without false alarms which makes them the perfect solution for hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry and in the storage of medicines. They enable precise localization of the source of a fire and thus targeted extinguishing of smoke and fire. Our TITANUS® aspirating smoke detector systems can be combined with fire prevention or fire extinguishing systems.

Dirk Band: Director Sales Division

Our fire protection solutions save lives and protect property

Please contact us to learn more about our fire solutions.

Dirk Band

Director Sales Division
